WHO IS ADORE MINISTRY?Adore Ministry are parishioners who have said "Yes" to becoming Adorers for one hour. Volunteers of this ministry are dedicated to making Eucharistic Adoration available to the public and parish Community by sacrificing an hour of their time to be in the presence of Christ, so that others in the public and parish community have an opportunity to pray, meditate and converse with Him (Christ) in Adoration.
What is Adoration?This is not just a wafer or just a piece of bread or a symbolic item. Adoration is truly Christ Incarnate. It is the man Himself, Jesus Christ in the flesh! Eucharistic Adoration gives us a chance to talk with God in an intimate and personal way. This is the moment that you are able to have that face to face conversation with Jesus about those important or non important things in your life. Also Eucharistic Adoration is meant to bring us to want to learn more about who Jesus is and how are we able to become more like him. So is Eucharistic Adoration Jesus Christ the answer is 100% YES! Now is adoration just for the believer, the answer is "No Of Course Not" Christ wants you here and desires to build relationship with you. So what are you waiting for Christ calls you by name.
Adoration by St. John The Evangelist
Alex PachecoAdore Ministry Coordinator