WHAT IS ACTS?An ACTS retreat is a three day, three night Catholic lay retreat presented by fellow parishioners who have attended an ACTS Retreat. The retreat begins Thursday evening ending Sunday Mass followed by a Return Meal and fellowship celebration with the Retreatant's family.
In their commitment to spread the Gospel Message, St. John The Evangelists offers retreats annually for men and for women. Activities during the retreat focus on love of Christ through Adoration, Community, Theology, and Service, from which the ACTS acronym is derived. WHY ATTEND AN ACTS RETREAT?The weekend can be a powerful and enduring personal conversion experience. Activities conducted during the weekend give Retreatants a better understanding of the significance and importance of prayer, Liturgy, the Sacraments, Scripture, community, service and healing. It is a powerful community building experience for St. John The Evangelist parish. The Goal of the Retreat is to deepen one’s personal relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church.
WHO CAN ATTEND AN ACTS RETREAT?Our ACTS adult retreats are open to anyone over 18 years of age. However we do have Teen ACTS retreats as well. While ACTS is a Catholic retreat, it is open to other Christians willing to learn more about Christ and our Roman Catholic faith.
WHERE ARE THE RETREATS HELD?St.John The Evangelists ACTS Retreats are held within the Archdiocese of San Antonio. Locations may vary from year to year.
WHY DOES ACTS HAVE SECRETS?There are NO secrets, simply surprises that maintain the awe for the unique “gift” the Holy Spirit has wrapped up specifically for each individual Retreatant.
Julie ConstantinoDirector of ACTS for St. John The Evangelists