WHAT IS FAITH FORMATION?Catholic faith formation is a form of evangelization. Evangelization is the fundamental mission of the Church. It describes all the ways the Church—including clergy, religious, and all the baptized faithful—teaches, celebrates, and witnesses to the gospel message with the aim of conforming hearts and minds to Jesus Christ. Evangelization includes an introduction to the gospel message through word and deed with a focus on receiving the gift of faith. Faith formation primarily focuses on deepening initial conversion to faith. It incorporates the catechetical, liturgical, and pastoral ministries. Because it is a form of evangelization, faith formation is a lifelong process.
WHAT IS CHILDREN FORMATION?The Early Childhood Faith Formation philosophy supports the parents/guardians as the primary religious educators of their children. "Parents need to nurture in their children a love of God that can serve as an anchor throughout life" (Building a Family: A Handbook for Parenting with God, p. 15). Therefore, it is critical that parents/guardians understand and live the philosophy as stated above. The role of parents/guardians in the religious growth of their children extends far beyond formal teaching. It is in living the Christian message of love, day by day, before the eyes, ears, and impressionable minds of little ones. All parents/guardians should be given opportunities to understand how they too can assist in their children's developmental awareness of God.
WHAT IS YOUTH FORMATION?Adolescents ask serious questions about life and faith. This process of self-discovery is necessary in order to develop a mature, adult faith. During this challenging time, young adults need guidance and support from adults who are honest and sincere, and whose daily lives reflect the faith they profess. The Confirmation Program helps students express their readiness to conform their hearts around Jesus Christ and His Church. By completing the program requirements of commitment to deepening one's prayer life, service hours, assignments, and study of the faith student make visible their intentions by signs and symbols a soul ready to live up to Christ's call.
WHAT IS ADULT FAITH FORMATION?Adult faith formation ministry must engage the particular needs and interests of the adults in each local community. To be faithful and effective it will offer, over time, a comprehensive and systematic presentation and exploration of the core elements of Catholic faith and practice—a complete initiation into a Catholic way of life. It will do so in a way that is accessible to adults and relates to their life experiences, helping them to form a Christian conscience and to live their lives in the world as faithful disciples of Jesus.
aDDRESS4603 St. John's Way
San Antonio, TX 78212 |
oFFICE HoursMonday-Friday
8:00AM-4:00PM |
FAX NUMBER(210) 738-0599