Servers carry the cross and the processional candles. They hold the book for the priest celebrant when he is not at the altar. They carry the incense and censer and present the bread and wine along with the water to the priest during the preparation of the gifts or assist him when he receives the gifts from the people. Servers assist in the washing of hands by the priest, and assist the priest and deacon as necessary. In the absence of a sacristan, the servers may prepare the altar and sacred vessels before Mass.
On special occasions the number of servers varies according to the nature of the celebration. Altar servers will learn to assist at special liturgical celebrations, as at the Easter Vigil and at Confirmation when the Bishop presides. The primary focus of the altar server is to assist the Priest Celebrant during the Sunday Mass. This assistance by the Altar Servers allows the congregation to concentrate and participate better in the music, the prayers, the proclamation of Scripture, and most especially, the beautiful Liturgy of the Eucharist.
On special occasions the number of servers varies according to the nature of the celebration. Altar servers will learn to assist at special liturgical celebrations, as at the Easter Vigil and at Confirmation when the Bishop presides. The primary focus of the altar server is to assist the Priest Celebrant during the Sunday Mass. This assistance by the Altar Servers allows the congregation to concentrate and participate better in the music, the prayers, the proclamation of Scripture, and most especially, the beautiful Liturgy of the Eucharist.